Best Educational Programs: GENERAL MEDICINE
Faculty of General Medicine
Specialist’s program

ZHDANOV, Aleksandr Ivanovich
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The Faculty of General Medicine is one of the key faculties of the university. It has a great history and it is the biggest faculty in terms of the number of students (over 2,000). It includes 17 departments.
By the decision of the Guild of Experts in the Sphere of Professional Education and the National Centre for Public Accreditation the General Medicine program was top ranked within the project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia in 2011-2017.
Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenkooffers some more best Specialist's programs in the field of Healthcare:
Teaching staff. All the teachers involved in the program delivery have relevant background education corresponding to the course they teach. The average age of the teaching staff is 46 years old. The academic degree holders rate is 77.4% (Candidates of Sciences—61.2%, Doctors of Sciences—15.7%).
University partners within the educational program. The university has agreements on cooperation with 11 Healthcare Ministries and Departments nationwide. The alumni from the program are employed at medical institutions of the Voronezh, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Tambov, and other regions. Many alumni, top-ranked specialists in their fields of study, are employed in the CIS countries and beyond: in Germany, Israel, the USA, Spain, etc.
Students’ achievements. Students participate in regional and nationwide competitions and olympiads. They are members of various clubs, take part in individual and team competitions and place high. They receive grants for research.
Facilities and Resources. The university has a sufficient number of classrooms for educational activities at all levels. The university utilizes clinics of 40 medical institutions of Voronezh under contracts for uncompensated use of property.
Opportunities for students. Students have all the opportunities to reveal their talents both in medicine and in the cultural and creative activities. Within the agreement on cooperation students have their specialized training practice in the Charité university hospital (Germany). The best students are awarded the university’s individual scholarships.
Employment prospects. A graduate qualified as a general practitioner can acquire a specialization and become a practicing physician, gynaecologist (obstetrician-gynaecologist), surgeon, cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, etc. In total more than 90 particular specialities are available to the graduates.