Best Educational Programs: PHARMACY
Department of Medical Biochemistry, Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics and Pharmacy
Specialist’s program

DENISOVA, Evgeniia Vladimirovna
Acting Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. Official state accreditation certification, international professional-public accreditation, license.
North-Caucasus Federal University also offers a Specialist’s program in Medical Biochemistry.
Teaching staff. Three Doctors of Sciences and 13 Candidates of Sciences.
University partners within the educational program. Volgograd State Medical University, Pyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute, Voronezh State University, the universities of Austria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Italy, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Korea, Poland, and other countries; NPK ESCOM, Stavropol Drugstores, Farmakio, Central District Drugstore No.105, the MelodiaZdorovya drugstore; S.G. Ushakova (an individual entrepreneur).
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Students actively participate in all-Russian and international conferences of different levels, apply for grants and participate in contests. Many students publish their research works in leading editions including those reviewed by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles.
Facilities and resources. The facilities and resources of the department include classrooms equipped in accordance with modern requirements, learning and research laboratories with specialized equipment.
Opportunities for students. Students get their field placement at the leading enterprises that have signed cooperation agreements with the university: NPK ESKOM, Stavropol Drugstores, Farmakio, Central District Drugstore No.105, Stimul, MelodiaZdorovya.
NCFU with the assistance of the Disadvantaged Children Support Foundation implements the Profession Orientation Navigator project for disabled children and children with special healthcare needs. Students regularly participate in the Federal Internet Professional Education Exam program.
Employment prospects. Chemistry lab technician, pharmacy logistician, pharmacy marketing specialist, medical representative, pharmacist in charge, analytical pharmacist in charge, process pharmacist in charge, pharmacist, chemist in an analytical laboratory, chemist in a forensic chemical laboratory, chemist in a criminal investigation laboratory, developer of medicinal drugs and cosmetic products.