Best Educational Programs: PREVENTIVE MEDICINE
Faculty of Medical and Preventive Care
Specialist’s program

BROVKINA, Inna Leonidovna
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The program was top ranked in the project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia in 2011-2016.
Kursk State Medical University offers some more best Specialist's programs in the field of Healthcare:
Teaching staff. The academic staff of the university include nationally recognized educators awarded honorary titles for their professional achievements: 20 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, four Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Rusian Federation, 32 Professors Emeritus of Kursk State Medical University. Sixty-seven percent of the teaching staff hold academic degrees and titles. Top management and practitioners from the industry are involved in the program delivery.
University partners within the educational program.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. For the period of 20 years the faculty prepared over 400 qualified doctors. The graduates from the faculty are particularly demanded at the bodies and organizations of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing. Many alumni significantly succeeded in career. Students enrolled in the program take an active part in different contests and show good results. E.V. Semikina, Assistant of the Department of General Hygiene, a faculty alumna, was awarded by the Kursk Region Administration as a winner of the innovative project contest in the category of Innovative Idea in 2016.
Facilities and resources. Non-resident students are accommodated in six dormitories. The university has five sports halls, a gym, three open playgrounds. All the lecture rooms, classrooms and laboratories are adequately equipped. There are 16 display classrooms where state-of-the-art equipment is intensively used in the educational process. The center of accreditation and simulating learning and teaching and clinic units are used for training students’ practical skills. There are four research institutes operating at the university: experimental medicine, general pathology, physiology, genetic and molecular epidemiology.
Opportunities for students. Students gain their practical skills during their on-the-job placement. Over the period of studies, there are five practical training sessions altogether. Senior students undergo their summer practical training at the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing. Students carry out a research project in their sixth year of studies.
Employment prospects. Upon completing a postgraduate course, students can continue their professional career as specialist experts, bacteriologists, virologists, desinfectologists, pathologists, parasitologists, epidemiologists, specialists in pediatric or food hygiene, etc.