Best Educational Programs: PEDIATRICS
Faculty of Pediatrics
Specialist’s program

Awards and achievements of the educational program. In 2016 the academic staff delivering the program, received grants for clinical studies and research including the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation.
Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenkooffers some more best Specialist's programs in the field of Healthcare:
Teaching staff. The program is delivered by 496 teachers including 66 Doctors of Sciences and 265 Candidates of Sciences. The faculty consists of 11 departments, six of which have clinical specialization. The teaching staff include 45 highly professional practical healthcare workers: employers (medical directors and deputies), heads of departments of the inpatient and outpatient clinics.
University partners within the educational program. The National Scientific and Practical Center of Children’s Health of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University and other medical universities of the Russian Federation. The alumni are employed at the healthcare institutions of the Voronezh Region. Under the agreement with the Charité university hospital (Germany), the students of the Faculty of Pediatrics have an opportunity to take a summer course and postgraduate training in Germany.
Students’ achievements. All graduates of the Faculty of Pediatrics are employed at the medical institutions of the Voronezh and neighboring regions. The students take an active part in competitions in various fields of knowledge. In 2016 eighteen students received Category I and II diplomas in Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, and Kursk. Fifty-nine research articles were published, including publications in the national press.
Facilities and resources. A virtual learning hospital (the Simulation Training Center) is extensively used in the program delivery. Classrooms equipped with multimedia and computers are available to students. The university has five comfortable well-furnished dormitories, a library, a catering facility and a snack-bar. Students with high academic performance and achievements in research work qualify for additional individual scholarships awarded by the university.
Opportunities for students. Students are given opportunities for self-fulfillment both in the field of medicine and in the cultural and social life. Students are offered practical training at the inpatient and outpatient healthcare institutions of the Voronezh Region and the regions of students’ residence. The university develops specialized training programs in cooperation with the theCharité university hospital (Berlin, Germany).
Employment prospects. Pediatrician, pediatric surgeon, neonatology physician, pediatric endocrinologist, pediatric cardiologist, pediatric oncologist-haematologist.