Russian and Chinese universities have agreed to establish the International Transport Academy
The rectors of Far Eastern State Transport University (Russia) and Dalian Jiaotong University (China) have signed an agreement on the establishment of the International Transport Academy.
The International Transport Academy is a large-scale joint educational project. As part of this project, there are plans to train highly qualified bilingual specialists at the joint academic units: the Far Eastern Transport Institute at Dalian Jiaotong University and the Russian-Chinese Transport Institute at Far Eastern State Transport University.
Under the agreement nine joint educational programs will be launched in the field of automation of power supply systems, logistics, construction, machine building, technology of transport processes, information science and computer technology, information systems and technologies, information and communication technologies and communication systems, operation of transport and technological systems and complexes.
The agreement on the establishment of the International Transport Academy was signed in Moscow during the "Transport Week", an annual business event held in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation to openly discuss the most pressing transport issues at the national and international levels.