Pharmacy in North-Caucasus Federal University
North-Caucasus Federal University
Department of Pharmacy
Specialist's program

GLIZHOVA Tamara Nikolaevna
Acting Head of the Department
Awards and achievements. The program successfully underwent state accreditation in 2016 and international professional-public accreditation carried out by the National Centre for Public Accreditation.
The fourth-year student of the Pharmacy major M.M. Manvelian won the grant of the UMNIK foundation.
Teaching staff. The degree-granting department employs two Doctors of Sciences and eight Candidates of Sciences. The representatives of leading specialized enterprises, pharmaceutical and scientific organizations are also engaged in the educational process.
Facilities and resources. The university has the following state-of-the art devices: a laboratory hydraulic press with force, a device for solving drug substances contained in tablets and capsules, Classic 6 solubility test equipment.
Research. The university established the methodological school "Fundamental Problems of Medicine and Pharmacy." The scientists conduct research in the following area: "Clinical pharmacological studies of activity of medicinal products and new biologically active compounds."
Education. State-of-the-art information and communication technologies, problem-based and split-level learning technologies are used in the educational process.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with NPK ESKOM, the Pulse research and production association, Stavropol Drugstores, Stavropol Research Anti-Plague Institute of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing of the Russian Federation, Stavropol Botanical Garden named after V.V. Skripchinsky, Stavropol Agricultural Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
International projects and programs. The students of the department were awarded the diplomas of the II All-Russian Inrteruniversity Summit with international participation "Choice of the Best. Time Forward" of pharmaceutical HEIs and pharmaceutical companies with the research project.
Competitive advantages. The educational process is implemented by the highly qualified teaching staff with involvement of leading employees from among employers: the head of the Pulse research and production association, First Deputy of Director General for Production and Re-equipment, and other specialists. Graduates are in great demand at research institutes, enterprises of different pharmaceutical sectors and industries. The department has trained over 100 pharmacists.
Assistance and support for foreign students and teachers. Internationalization of the educational and research process is one of NCFU's top priorities and is a strategically important vector of the university development. For this purpose, NCFU established the Department of International Cooperation.