The first foreign branch of MEPhI opened in Uzbekistan
The first foreign branch of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI has opened in Tashkent. It will train specialists for the nuclear industry in Uzbekistan in at least three areas: the personnel for the nuclear power plant, the science and technology elite in the field of nuclear physics and nuclear technology as well as regulators who will be employed by various government agencies and will be involved in the process of regulating the nuclear industry, adopting relevant laws or regulatory documents.
MEPhi Rector Mikhail Strikhanov discussed the possibility of expanding the areas of training with the country's leaders, the Ministry of Energy and the Chairman of the Government of Uzbekistan. In the near future, such fields of study as information technologies, bio- and nuclear medicine may be introduced.
Strikhanov emphasized that prospective students' knowledge had been tested directly by specialists of MEPhI, primarily, according to the results of exams in physics and mathematics. He praised the level of applicants' competence and their potential, however, he noted that there were areas of training that required improvement, in particular, teaching Russian and ensuring a sufficiently high level of knowledge at schools specializing in physics and mathematics. Speaking about the training of specialists, Rector explained that it would be provided in the same way as at the leading Russian universities specializing in this area.
First-year students will study fundamental disciplines such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, information technology and a foreign language. Students must know three languages - native Uzbek, Russian and English. Senior students will undertake vocational training in laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, with the involvement of practitioners working in the nuclear industry.