Best Educational Programs: THEOLOGY
Department of Philosophy and Theology
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

Shaposhnikov, Lev Evgenyevich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. The educational programme “Theology” acquaints students with theological and philosophical legacy and forms practical skills and theoretical knowledge in the field of philosophy, religion studies and research work. The study process is oriented to using contemporary information technologies in solving professional tasks of all levels, in all activity spheres.
The Programme includes general and special disciplines: History of Religions, Religious Philosophy, Science and Religion, History of Christian Church, New Religious Movements, State and Religion, Confessional Faith Doctrine, Study of Sacral Texts, History of Orthodox Confession, Confessional Law, Orthodox Apologetics, History of Orthodox Church, Orthodox Exegetics.
The University maintains connections with the HEIs of Moscow and
Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University offers three more best educational programs in the field of Humanities:
PHYSICAL EDUCATION - Bachelor’s program
PSYCHOLOGY - Bachelor’s program, Master’s program, Specialist’s program
PHILOSOPHY - Bachelor’s program, Master’s program
Teaching staff. The Department’s teaching staff consists of experienced teachers (professor L.E. Shaposhnikov, professor S.N. Pushkin, professor O.V. Pariolov, assistant-professor I.A. Gurylyova) and young PhDs (A.N. Tselikov, D.V. Semikopov). The Department’s teachers have been awarded letters of appreciation of the Governor of Nizhny Novgorod region, certificates of merit of Patriarch of Moscow and all
Competitiveness of students. Students actively participate in national, regional and inter-HEI conferences in theology, religion studies and philosophy. Three graduates of the Department are now Candidates of Philosophy.
The programme of further training for teachers of the specialty “Practical Theology” won the grant of SerafimSarovsky Foundation.
Interaction with employers. The Department maintains close and fruitful cooperation with strategic partners. Employers take active part in educational process and re-search activity of the Department. Over 50% of graduation thesis works are developed by orders and in cooperation with the employer – Nizhny Novgorod Metropolis.