Best Educational Programs: LAW
Institute of Law
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme
Postgraduate programme

ZAYACHKOVSKY, Oleg Antonovich
The mission of the
Programme presentation. To implement the educational programme a competency approach combining a fundamental theoretical education and practical skills in the application of law is used.
The training process is run with the help of interactive technologies. Video conferences, analyses of the watched online court hearings, trainings, interactive lectures, and role-playing of judicial proceedings are used. For this purpose, the University has in place a mock courtroom facility, which is a part of well developed material and technical re-sources of the Institute. There is a reading hall for students’ independent studies, a media-hall stocked with the latest literature for studies and research, over 100 items of periodic editions. Students can work with electronic catalogues, subscriptions, and Russian and foreign full-text databases.
The high standard of training of law specialists is acknowledged by the professional accreditation (2012) and public accreditation by
The Institute takes part in the implementation of numerous partnership programmes. One of them is the Law of Europe programme, which provides studies of international and European law in different branches of law in European states. The Universities of Göttingen,
There is Centre for International and European Law, which arranges joint research seminars and conferences, organizes academic mobility programmes, invites foreign visiting professors to conduct lectures and foreign language classes, set up academic and re-search internships. In 2013, the Centre for WTO Law was set up to run conferences, invite foreign lecturers on the WTO law and arrange internships for practicing law specialists.
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Teaching staff. The
Young teachers have undertaken internships and passed Master’s theses in foreign HEIs. They all know some foreign languages. Leading Russian and foreign specialists are regularly invited as visiting lecturers. The teachers of the
Competitiveness of students. There is a high enrolment competition in the Institute, amounting 8.36 applicants per place in 2013. The USE admission score was 246 and the average score was over 84.
Students become winners of different international professional competitions. In 2013 the team of the Institute was the first in the international commercial arbitration ICC Lex Mercatoria (
Best students have been awarded scholarships of the RF President, RF Government, the Governor of the Kaliningrad Oblast, the head of the
Prospective lawyers participate in student mobility programmes in partner HEIs: the
The Institute has a student legal bureau where students have work experience and give free legal aid to the population with the help of experienced teachers.
Graduates of the Institute hold top positions in public administration and local authorities, in judicial and law-enforcement bodies of the Kaliningrad Oblast.
Interaction with employers. The