Department of Information Support for Management and Production
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme
Postgraduate programme

FIONOVA, Lyudmila Rimovna
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. Bachelors of the Programme “Document and Archive Sciences” are skilled in informational and documental provision of management (IDPM). During the study process, they acquire necessary competencies of document developing, using contemporary operating systems and different word processing applications; study various systems of e-document management, e-archives and strategies of e-archive development. Students also study technologies of e-Government, contemporary data-bases, e-mail; study methods of collecting, analyzing, transferring and processing information; standards for IDPM and archival storage of documents.
The Programme “Document and Archive Sciences” is based on the educational specialty “Document Science and Documental Provision of Management”, which continues to be included in the list of the best educational programmes of innovative
Teaching staff. Professional education of every teacher of the Department complies with the profile of training. 67% of the teachers have scientific degrees and titles, including three Doctors of Sciences, Professors. Six teachers are awarded international awards and certificates of practical teaching in the sphere of business administration.
The main task of the Department is to implement new information technologies into the study process. The teachers have developed and registered 18 electronic manuals. Since 2000, the Department has been holding annual International Research and Practice Conferences “Contemporary Technologies of Document Processing in Business, Industry and Management”.
Competitiveness of students. In 2013, the average passing grade for the applicants was 232. Starting from the first year, students participate in research work. The teachers of the Department in association with students publish articles in the quarterly re-search journal “Record Management” (
Interaction with employers. The University signed long-term agreements with the Penza Regional Government and other institutions on organizing all types of practices and externships of bachelors, which contributes to better employment opportunities on the job market.