Department of Art Direction of Theatrical Performances

Bachelor’s programme


GAVDIS ,Svetlana Ivanovna

Head of the Department


Programme presentation. The study process is targeted at developing a unique artistic world perception, which promotes forming a rich, balanced personality demanded by contemporary society. The Programme allows graduates to become professionals with broad cultural views and prepares them for solving different creative tasks.

The Department treasures the best traditions of the Russian psychological theatre school. The Department uses modern educational technologies in the field of the Theatre of Masses. Combination of such techniques creates a unique methodology of training.

Creative projects of the Department’s teachers and students win awards and prizes – diplomas of the national professional award “Facets of the Theatre of Masses”, diplomas and grand-prix of the international festival of modern art “Aquila”. The Programme was included 4 times in the list of the Best Programmes of Innovative Russia.

Teaching staff. The highest level of the teaching staff’s qualification assures quality training. The Department’s teaching staff includes professors, assistant-professors, PhDs in pedagogics, postgraduates, honorary workers of culture of the Russian Federation, honorary artists and people’s artists of the Russian Federation.

Competitiveness of students. The educational process is tightly connected with practical activity in the field of theatrical performances and celebrations of the city and the region.

The Department’s graduates are highly employable and competitive specialists.

In 2013-2014 8 foreign students from Ukraine, Moldova and Turkmenistan studied the Programme (10% of the total number of students).

Interaction with employers. The professional community of the region actively participates in the educational process. All thesis works and other creative projects of the Department are developed at the commission of the potential employers – heads of the regional culture authorities, Rectors of higher and secondary education institutions, di-rectors of cultural establishments of different levels, heads of art- and PR-departments of the leading organizations of the city and the region.

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