Department of Social and Cultural Activity

Bachelor’s programme

Master’s programme

Postgraduate programme


DOMARENKO, Elena Vasilyevna

Head of the Department


Programme presentation. The mission of the Department of Social and Cultural Activity is very important – to train highly qualified professionals, who use their creative potential for developing and implementing contemporary social and cultural projects.

High quality of training is achieved with the help of mature infrastructure of the Institute, which includes up-to-date material and technical resources. The Department has in place students’ research laboratories (the Laboratory of Historical and Ethnographical Analysis of Pedagogical Systems of the Ethnic Russians, Students’ Laboratory of Project Technologies “Sphere”), a Discussion Club and Sociologic Club “Issledovatel”. The results of their activity are tested on the experimental platforms of the city.

The major Department conducts research on a constant basis. In the context of the integrated research project “Problems of Forming Value Orientation through Social and Cultural Activity” the teachers and students of the Department defend dissertations, con-duct theoretic seminars, research conferences, publish research articles, monographs, teaching materials.

The Department cooperates with national HEIs. The Department uses contemporary educational technologies, which are necessary for developing informational culture of students. A characteristic feature of the programme is international students, who study the programme.

Teaching staff. The Department’s teaching staff has a unique potential. Over 80% of the teachers have scientific degrees. Assistant professor E.V. Domarenko has been the Head of Department since 2002. The Rector of the HEI N.A. Parshikov (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor) manages the research pedagogical school “The Systemic Approach to the Organization of Social and Cultural Activity”.

Interaction with employers. The Department maintains and develops cooperation with the leading culture organizations and further education institutions of the region. Employers participate in the educational process, seminars and round tables; take part in the activity of the research pedagogical laboratory “Interaction of organizations of social and cultural sphere in forming the value orientation of the youth”.

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