Best Educational Programs: GRAPHIC ARTS


North-western Institute of Printing

Specialist’s programme


LEZUNOVA, Natalia Borisovna



Programme presentation. The Department of Graphics of the North-western Institute of Printing carries out training in designing the main types of printing materials. Students learn methods for creating forms of book and easel graphics, makeup pages of books and developing objects of graphic design.

Classes are conducted in computer classrooms and laboratories, equipped with up-to-date PCs and LCD monitors and in classrooms for drawing, painting and composition using methodological plaster and anatomical aids.

Teaching staff. The teaching staff consists of qualified specialists with extensive experience in practical, creative and pedagogical work. Most of them are members of creative unions and prize winners of various contests. They take an active part in national and international exhibitions, biennale and festivals, organize personal exhibitions and cooper-ate with leading Russian publishing houses.

The works of the teachers are exhibited in Russian and foreign museums in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sakhalin, Vladivostok, Vologda as well as in Cherbourg (France), Fritzlar (Germany), China, in private collections in France, Germany, Japan and Finland.

Competitiveness of students. Students have numerous diplomas in the field of pack-aging design, e.g. of national exhibition-contest RosUpack and international contest “Clockwork Orange”. During their studies future designers attend master-classes of teachers from the leading artistic HEIs of St. Petersburg as well as interactive classes in the Union of Artists of Russia and international festivals of graphic arts. Students have an opportunity to learn European classical arts in France and Italy.

The Department conducts public defence of graduation works in the showrooms of the Centre of the Book and Graphics. Within two weeks after the defence the exhibition is visited by a large number of spectators.

Interaction with employers. During their placement for work experience students have an opportunity to apply obtained skills in the leading publishing houses, design-studios and printing offices. The State Attestation Commission for the defence of graduation works, which consists of leading representatives of printing industry, prominent artists and designers, gives a high grade to professional skills of graduates and the level of their works which complies with international standards.

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