Library and Information Services Department

Bachelor’s programme

Master’s programme

Postgraduate programme


BORISOVA, Olga Olegovna

Head of the Department


Programme presentation. The Department’s mission is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of library and information services in accordance with international standards and labor market requirements. Talented librarians V.V. Bubnov, N.Z. Shatokhina, Y.V. Zhukova, I.A. Gladkova, I.A. Nikashkina, N.M. Svergunova and others graduated from the University.

The study programme is provided with contemporary material and technical resources: multimedia and computer classrooms, local network with the Internet excess, licensed software. The Department uses contemporary methods and forms of teaching. In 2013 and 2014 the programme was listed in the “Best Educational Programmes of Innovative Russia” rating.

The programme is focused on cooperation with the leading Russian and international HEIs. Scientists from Moscow and St. Petersburg HEIs, foreign specialists – participants of international conferences, which were conducted by the Institute together with educational institutions of Bulgaria and France, are involved in the organization of the study process.

Teaching staff. The qualification of the Department’s teaching staff is very high: 100% of the teachers have scientific degrees of PhD or a Doctor of Science including professors Vice-rector for Research and International Relations I.A. Ivashova, the Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council T.D. Krylova and others). The Head of the Department is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor O.O. Borisova, awarded with certificates of merit of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Russian trade-union of workers of culture.

Competitiveness of students. Under the guidance of N.E. Belyaeva students win the national contest “Youth. Science. Culture”, interregional contest “Service of the country: deads and names”, regional contest of the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation. Students participate in regional and institutional scholarship programmes (Scholarship of the Governor of the Oryol Region, scholarship of the Academic Council, A.F. Gerasimov scholarship).

Interaction with employers. Heads of the city libraries actively support the implementation of the educational programme.

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