The Faculty of Conducting

Specialist’s programme


APEKSIMOVA, Margarita Mikhaylovna



Programme presentation. The faculty of Conducting of Russian Gnessin’s Academy of Music trains highly-qualified academic choir conductors for different types of professional activity: music performance, pedagogical, methodological, research, educational, organizational and managerial activities. Demand for such specialists of the profile is very high, and is determined by a great number of choir groups, vocal ensembles, musical education institutions of all levels and culture establishments.

The Academy provides necessary material and technical equipment, which promotes the high quality academic process: tutorial materials and computers, a well-stocked library and a record library, which are regularly completed by new printed publications, audio- and video materials.

The specialty “Conducting of Academic Choir”, which is implemented in the Department of Choral Conducting, has successfully passed public accreditation by the European Association of Conservatories and was certified. The accreditation proves the correspondence of the quality of the implemented programmes to the European standards of quality assurance in education ESG-ENQA.

Teaching staff. The teaching staff of the Faculty of Conducting is represented by highly-qualified specialists: 11 professors, 6 assistant-professors, 5 PhDs, 3 Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, 4 Honored Workers of Art of the Russian Federation and 2 Honored Workers of Higher School of the Russian Federation.

Educational practice is conducted in cooperation with Yurlov Russian State Academic Choir headed by the Honored Worker of Art of the Russian Federation, professor of Russian Gnessin’s Academy of Music and Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory G.A. Dmitryak.

Competitiveness of students. Students acquire skills of research work in the process of participation in research activity of the Departments of the Faculty of Conducting – conferences and seminars in choral and conducting art, art studies, musical pedagogics and performance. Significant events in choral art in Moscow and Russian Gnessin’s Academy of Music are covered in monthly news releases. The Faculty holds Moscow and national inter-HEI conferences in various pedagogical and performance issues, followed by publishing collections of articles. The main direction of the conferences is “Choral Music Today: dialogue of Theory and Praxis”.

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