Best Educational Programs: DESIGN


Institute of Spatial Environment Design

Bachelor’s programme

Master’s programme


VETROVA, Yulia Nikolaevna



Programme presentation. Within this educational programme the Institute of Spatial Environment Design delivers the following profiles: “Environment Design”, “Landscape Design”, “Design of Interior, Furniture and Equipment”. Education ofˇ students is distinguished by deep artistic and engineering training. The Institute has contacts with many design institutions of the city.

The Major Department has special classrooms for classes in the profile disciplines (e.g. “Sculpture and Plastic Modelling”), computer classes, project and lecture classes with multimedia equipment.

Teaching staff. Among the teachers there are two professors and seven assistant professors including Candidates of Architecture, Culturology, Technical and Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Many of them have their own creative studios and are members of the Union of Designers, the Union of Artists and the Union of Architects of Russia.

Competitiveness of students. The main methodological principle of training is the solution of actual tasks both of projecting new environment and reconstructing the existing one. In the educational process much attention is paid to learning automated methods of work performance. From the 1st year of training students master the following software packages: ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, 3D Studio MAX.

Future designers show high results at creative contests and research conferences (“Weˇ Build the Future”, “Innovations of the Youth Research”, etc.) Within academic mobility students from Finland, Italy and the leading Russian HEIs study in the University for one semester.

Interaction with employers. After completing their studies the graduates have good prospects for their career growth. The University trains specialists who are capable of solving wide range of project tasks: work with objects of living and public environment and furnishing both separate rooms and spaces in general.

A number of creative studios and profile institutions of Saint Petersburg and the region are involved in the joint delivery of the study programmes. Among them are: theˇ Union ofˇ Architects ofˇ Russia, Koltush Construction Company, LLC “Architectural Systems”, LLC “Northwestern Logistic Company”, JSCˇ “Leninproject”, Architectural bureau “Zemtsov, Kondiain and partners”, the Architectural studio of G. Fomichev, etc.

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