Best Educational Programs: DESIGN


Institute of Costume Design

Bachelor’s programme

Master’s programme


GAMAYUNOV, Pyotr Petrovich



Programme presentation. The sphere of activity of the graduates in the profile “Costume Design” is artistic design of various costumes and modelling costumes from un-conventional materials.

The Institute cooperates with many foreign HEIs and organizations, for example, in supervision of internships, exchange of methodologies and educational programmes. The University successfully delivers international Master’s programme “Costume Design and Merchandising” in cooperation with De Monfort University (Great Britain).

Teaching staff. The teaching staff includes members of the Union of Designers of Russia and the Union of Artists of Russia who carry out active creative and project work and regularly participate in art exhibitions. Teachers are the authors of collections of models and costumes for numerous theatre performances and movies.

The Institute is headed by P.Gamayunov, Director, assistant professor, member of the Union of Artists of Russia and ISafronova, Creative Director, professor, Head of the Department of Costume Design, member of the Union of Designers of Russia and the Union of Artists of Russia, Honoured artist of the Russian Federation.

Competitiveness of students. Students are active participants and winners of the international designer contest “The Admiralty Spire”. During their work experience the students create models of clothes and, by the end of training, full collections. Traditionally, the shows of student works are conducted in the form of exhibitions in all disciplines of the artistic cycle and the show of models.

Future designers have an opportunity to learn the history of fashion houses in the Information Centre of Fashion using professional foreign periodicals in “modern fashion and design”.

The students take an active part in international educational projects within creative cooperation with the Academy of Fashion and Design (Germany), the University inRovaniemi (Finland) and the Academy of Arts (Estonia). Foreign internships and academic exchange programmes are popular.

Interaction with employers. Much attention is paid to the theoretical and historical aspects of fashion. Classes are conducted by the staff of the State Hermitage, the RussianMuseum, the RussianEthnographicMuseum and the Kunstkamera museum.

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