Best Educational Programs: COSTUME AND TEXTILE ART
Department of Technology and Artistic Design of Knitwear
Bachelor’s programme

TRUEVTSEV, Alexey Viktorovich
Head of Department
Programme presentation. Systematic training of textile workers with higher education began in St.
Specialists and Bachelors in this area develop textile projects for the interior; casual and protective clothing, sports equipment, textile goods for tourism and leisure and interiors of cars and other vehicles.
The educational process is carried out in the Training and Research Innovative Complex “Textile, Colour, Design” and the University laboratories “Optimization of Textile Technologies”, “Polymeric Fibrous and Composition Materials for Special Purposes” and others.
Teaching staff. The teaching staff comprises two Doctors and seven Candidates of Sciences. Artistic disciplines are taught by members of the Union of Artists of Russia and the Association of Art Critics. Foreign practice is taken into account: for the last five years the Departments of the Institute have annually conducted classes with Master’s students from
Since 2004 at the Major Department there has been a national section of the International Federation of Knitting Technologies, which successfully conducted the 44th congress of this organization in
Competitiveness of students. Students regularly take part in creative contests and model shows, in particular, in the annual exhibition “Fashion Industry” and the International Contest of Young Designers of Clothes, Shoes and Accessories “Admiralty Spire”. In 2013 young researchers won the contest for the best wallpaper design, con-ducted by “Stenova” (
Interaction with employers. Most students are placed for work experience in production and creative organizations of St. Petersburg and the region, such and “Uzor”, “Neva Manufacture”, “Andover”, “Hosiery”, “Master”, in theatre workshops and small textile companies. Best students are recommended for practical experience in