Department of Applied Musical Arts
Bachelor’s programme

AGISHEVA, Yulia Ivanovna
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. The Department of Applied Musical Arts was created in 2012. It trains students of the educational profiles “Music Studies”, “Musical Journalism and Editorial Activity in Mass Media”, “Musical Pedagogics” and “Ethnomusicology” within the framework of the study programme “Musicology and Applied Musical Arts”.
Professional competencies of the graduates provide them with an opportunity to work in every sphere of musical culture: in institutions of further and professional education, national mass media, museums and archival repositories, concert organizations, philharmonics, musical theatres. Actively developing media infrastructures promote great demand for specialists in applied musicology in the capitals and regions of the
Teaching staff. The Department of Applied Musical Arts is headed by the Doctor in Art History Y.I. Agisheva. The teachers of the Department are motivated and experienced specialists, who conduct research work and combine academic activity with applied musical art practice. This allows students to acquire practical skills, which are necessary in their professional career.
The Department’s activity in the Faculty of History, Theory and Composition is di-verse. The Faculty holds national and international research conferences and forums (e.g. Musicological Forum), festivals: “Three Names, Three Birthdays (Bach, Beethoven, Scarlatti)”, “Musical Italy: A Glance from
Competitiveness of students. Starting from the first year, students develop their abilities in creative, practical and research activity. They undertake educational work and creative internship within the Academy (the GNESSINS’ Memorial Apartment, pedagogical sector, Shuvalov’sParlour) and outside the Academy – the
The academic mobility of students is rapidly developing: students participate in student exchange programmes, attend lectures and master-classes of specialists from