Best Educational Programs: CHOREOGRAPHY


Department of Choreography

Bachelor’s programme

Master’s programme

Postgraduate programme


VALUKIN, Evgeniy Petrovich

Head of Department


Programme presentation. The Ballet Master Faculty of GITIS trains bachelors in 4 programmes: Ballet Master Skill, Pedagogics of Ballet, Ice-skating Choreographer, and Ball Dance Teacher.

It is the tradition of the Faculty to teach students classical dance as the basis for the dancing mastery development of all types of contemporary dance. Following the traditions, continuity of acting and choreographical achievements of contemporary ballet dance, aiming at enriching and expressiveness of the dancing language represent the core and rationale of pedagogics and training of new generations of ballet dancers.

Teaching staff. The teaching is carried out by teachers and professors demonstrating a bright creative identity. Their contribution to the development of the national ballet dance is hard to underestimate. These are People’s Artist of the USSR, Professor M.L.Lavrovsky, People’s Artist of the USSR, teacher coach of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Music Theatre, Professor M.S. Drozdova, People’s Artist of Russia, teacher coach of the Bolshoy Theatre of Russia, Prof. N.L.Semizorova, People’s Artist of Russia, Associate Professor M.E. Allash and others. The choreography of ice-skating is delivered by Prof. E.A. Chaikovskaya. She is the Master of Sports of the International Level, Honoured Artist of Russia.

Competitiveness of students. Many ballet companies are headed by the Department’s alumni, i.e. O. Vinogradov, V. Gordeev, D. Bryantsev, M. Liepa, N. Timofeeva, A.Bogatyrev to name just a few. M. Lavrovsky, V. Vasiliev adapt plays for the stage in many different theatres.

Interaction with employers. The prerequisite for enrolment in GITIS is secondary vocational education. As a rule, the students have prior work experience in ballet and opera theatres, ballet companies. During studies they take an active part in plays staged at the Department as well as different theatrical events held at the University.

The annual ballet master contest named after R.V.Zakharov represents a unique opportunity for students to demonstrate their choreographer talents. Pre-diploma practice in ballet companies give the young dancers excellent experience and provide them with great opportunities for further vocational achievement and creative work.

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