Best Educational Programs: MUSICOLOGY
Faculty of History, Theory and Composition
Specialist’s programme

ENUKIDZE, Natela Isidorovna
Programme presentation. The Faculty of History, Theory and Composition of Russian Gnessin’s
The Faculty’s activity is very diverse. The Faculty initiates and conducts national and international forums, festivals and conferences. The most significant events of the last years are “Musicology Forum
The students of the Academy use the Problematic Research Laboratory of Traditional Cultures with a unique base of the GNESSINS’ folklore expeditions for research and educational purposes.
Teaching staff. The Faculty’s teaching staff provide highest level of education, which includes 35 professors and doctors in art studies, 42 assistant-professors and PhDs in art studies, 6 Honoured Workers of Higher School of the
Competitiveness of students. Starting from the first year, students develop their abilities in creative, practical and research activity. Students and teachers together participate in international conferences and competitions (“Music in the Contemporary World: Art, Culture, Education”), develop research projects; publish articles in collections of students’ and postgraduates’ works.
General humanitarian and professional competencies enable students to work as teachers in musical educational institutions of all levels, conduct research work in research organizations, conduct educational activity in theatrical and concert life of contemporary Russia and abroad. A number of graduates work in the sphere of management – in the structural divisions of the federal culture authorities.