Best Educational Programs: DESIGN


Institute of Design and Arts

Bachelor’s programme

Master’s programme


SANZHAROV, Vladimir Borisovich



Programme presentation. Students in the profile “Interior Design” are oriented to practical design and research activity in the sphere of the formation of various interior spaces. Their responsibilities include figurative and functional solutions, selection of furniture, necessary equipment and design items as well as interior decoration.

Teaching staff. The teaching staff includes professors and assistant professors, Doctors and Candidates of Sciences as well as holders of the title the “Honoured artist of Russia”. Most of the teachers are members of creative unions (the Union of Designers of Russia, theˇ Union of Artists of Russia, and the Union of Architects of Russia), they perform active creative and design activity and are research officers of the leading museums of St. Petersburg.

The Institute of Design and Arts is headed by V. Sanzharov, professor, senator of the Union of Designers of Russia, Head of the Department of Design and Interior of the HEI, Honoured artist of the Russian Federation and member of the Union of Architects of Russia. The Creative Director of the Institute is S. Vankovich, professor, Candidate of Arts, Head of the Department of History and Theory of Arts, member of the International Association of Art Critics and a member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

Competitiveness of students. Much attention is paid to mastering computer technologies and practical work in various programmes. Many projects are implemented using the examples of actual architecture objects. Students have an opportunity to undergo an internship in design studios, project bureaus and interior salons. There are individual exchange programmes in Finland, Germany and Estonia.

During their studies the students participate in various exhibitions and creative contests. Many of them are prize winners of the international biennale of design “Modulor” (St.ˇ Petersburg), the festival “Capital of Russian Design”, creative contest of the gallery NEUHAUS (Saint Petersburg) and international design contest INVISIBLE (Slovenia).

Interaction with employers. During their work experience students get acquainted with the experience of leading design studios, manufacturers and suppliers of interior items. They visit museums, professional exhibitions, design-studios and galleries and master the basics of the project business.

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